

Aug 09, 2023

Transition to LED light not so simple

Some of the climate activists might have you believe LED light bulbs are the greatest invention since sliced bread and are simple drop-in replacements for incandescent bulbs. They need to do their homework. The current administration not only wants to prematurely obsolete a century-old technology of fossil fueled mobility but an even longer lighting technology (”GOP trapped in costly climate denial,” Aug. 19).

But let me focus on LED lightbulbs. A lot of appliances over decades have been developed to work in tandem with this rather simple incandescent technology and simply dropping in an LED bulb will not always work. I have adapted to using LEDs where possible but early on faced two major obstacles. One is its use in an enclosed fixture. While I am a user of Smart LED bulbs, I have read that they are not suitable for enclosed fixtures.

Where I have run into a major problem is two very expensive fan-light systems that will not function with full LED replacement which was verified by the manufacturer. I am sure others in this country have purchased such appliances and are in the same boat. This means if I wanted to operate the fan, the lights will always be on as well since turning off the light switch leaves some light on. By chance, I found a work around by including one incandescent in the array of four bulbs. I am not about to spend hundreds of dollars to replace current fixtures that have been working well for over three decades.

The Biden administration in its haste to obsolete Thomas Edison’s superb invention didn’t do their homework as well.

— Michael Ernest, Catonsville

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